This web page acts to introduce the Austrian project AUSTROMIR 91 to a wide public. This here publicized web page is not an official web page of the Federal Ministry of education, science and culture (short): BMBWK. Furthermore is the BMBWK the sole bailee of the AUSTROMIR 91 materials and not accountable for the content of this web page. The authorization for publication of the AUSTROMIR 91 materials was gathered from the BMBWK and accorded by Mrs. ADir. Liane Lippsky.
Owner and holder of media
Ing. Erwin Roessler
Responsible for the content
Ing. Erwin Roessler
Editorial charge
Ing. Erwin Roessler
© Ing. Erwin Roessler, Federal Ministry of education, science and culture (BMBWK) and their respective bailees. All rights reserved.