The construction of this web page hadnĀ“t been possible without the help of the former project manager of AUSTROMIR, Mr. Dipl. Ing. Bruno Josseck, the Federal Ministry of education, science and culture (BMBWK) through Mrs. ADir. Liane Lippsky and all other people and institutions, so my special thanks to:
- Dipl.-Ing. Bruno Josseck (Technical University of Graz)
- ADir. Liane Lippsky (Federal Ministry of education, science and culture – BMBWK)
- Prof. Dr. Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay (Medical University of Graz)
- Dr. Maximilian Moser (Medical University of Graz)
- Univ.-Prof. DI. Dr. Norbert VANA (Atom institute of the Austrian Universities, Vienna)
- Dipl.-Ing. Eugen Gallasch (Medical University of Graz)
- Christina Burkhardt (Company AKG Acoustics GmbH, Vienna)
- Michaela Gitsch (Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Vienna)
- Angelika Jud (Research Association Joanneum Ges.m.b.H, Graz)
- Hans-Martin Berg (Museum of Natural History Vienna)
- Alfred Gugerell
and to all the further here not named persons, who assisted me and gave their contribution to the becoming of this web page.